Purist Audio Design performs extensive research and testing that gets down to the heart and soul of a product. At this most basic, yet extremely crucial level is the raw materials. By using only precious metals and alloys for the conductors, Purist Audio Design is able to create the ultimate in sonic quality and audio performance. Utilizing industry-leading techniques and incorporating well balanced componentry, Purist Audio Design continues to raise the bar one cable at a time.

Purist Audio Design performs extensive research and testing that gets down to the heart and soul of a product. At this most basic, yet extremely crucial, level is the raw materials. The first key was the choice of precious metals and alloys to be used for the conductors. We look at not only capacitance, inductance, and resistance, but also magnetic fields. That is why we use alloys for our conductors, rather than simple copper or silver alone for the ultimate in sonic quality and performance. Purist Audio Design also looks at the dielectric as well as shielding. We like to think we have the most advanced shielding in the industry. Purist Audio Design products are outstanding at operating with minimal interference such as RF (Radio Frequency) and EMI/EMF (Electromagnetic Interference and Fields).

Looking at competitors advertisements, most of them concentrate on a single selling point or ploy. For example, you will hear that a product has an ultra-low capacitance. Well you can’t stop there. Purist Audio Design designs its products looking at many aspects.

Purist Audio Design uses material treatment techniques that are industry-leading. Procedures that manufacturers are using today, have been in use for years by Purist Audio Design. So we had to raise the bar yet again with the treatment that we currently use, Cryomag®.

Many competitors will try to appeal to customers by concentrating on one point of their product, which sometimes is functionless. You will sometimes also see flashy presentation when it comes to their packaging. We don’t sell boxes, we sell audio products. You are buying what is in the box, and there simply is no match for a Purist Audio Design product. Why don’t you see much advertising by Purist Audio Design? Simply because the products advertise themselves.

4 thoughts on “Purist Audio Design

  1. I am looking for a demo 25th anniversary power cord in Praesto revision in 1.5 meter. I had seen some of these available about 6 months ago but not lately. I have access to the Luminist version but at $10,400 retail, this is just out of hte question. Realize this is now hit and miss to find since Purist in Clute, TX told me that they do not have any in their inventory anymore.

  2. Hello, Looking for a 15m run of ethernet and considering Purist. I am currently using Supra Cat 8 for the 15m run. Can you discuss and quote?
    Thanks, Ken

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