Equipped with C3g

Equipped with the ultra-reliable C3g, developed by Deutsche Telekom for telephone repeaters. The thin grid lines and large distance between electrodes enable high linearity amplification. The C3g is soldered directly onto the board to reduce noise at the contact point.

Battery powered

Current distortion and electromagnetic noise can enter through the AC line. This product is powered by a large nickel-metal hydride battery and is completely isolated from the AC line. Therefore, it amplifies to the level required by the preamp without adding anything extra.

・Battery run time: 5 Hours (Optionally 9 Hours)

・Battery charging time: 4 Hours (Optionally 8 Hours)

Built-in MC transformer

Built-in MC transformer. The MC cartridge can be amplified by connecting a cable. The output is also isolated from other devices by a transformer system, which is not affected by noise. Using a high permeability super permalloy core is utilized, resulting in stable linearity.

Compatible with MC/MM

One MC and two MM cartridges are also supported, three inputs in total. By adding an external MC transformer, the MM channels can be used for MC cartridges.


TypeCR-type Vacuum tube phono equalizer amplifier
Conformity Cartridge Impedance[MC]3-20 Ω [MM]47k Ω or less
Max. Output Voltage[MC]5 V 1k Hz [MM]5 V 1k Hz
THD0.1% 1k Hz 0.76 Vrms
Gain[MC]63 dB [MM]40 dB
Input Terminal[MC]Balanced ×1, Unbalanced ×1   [MM]Unbalanced ×2
Output TerminalBalanced ×1, Unbalanced ×1
Output Impedance90 Ω 1k Hz

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