
This is a true opportunity to buy for an incredible price an incredible turntable the CS Port TAT2 turntable system which contains the air pump (the quietest on the market) linear tracking arm (Optional add ons include another arm bases and granite base plate). We have been told this is a Techdas Air Force 3 Premium table at a more affordable price. Prices are given here in Euros: CS Port Tat2 27,300 euro AFUI-2 tonearm 18300 euro POUI pump 3900 euro LBP2 granite board 1250 euro Extra arm board 400 euro Total 51,150 euro. CONTACT FOR THE ONE TIME SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL PRICE! All brand new in sealed boxes. (Don’t be scared of the retail price)

CS Port TAT2 is Compactly designed turntable with a flagship concept. The weight of the base and platter as well as the air-floating platter’s air film suppress unwanted vibrations and establish a high level of quietness. Here at SOS we have on demonstration the TAT1M2 as seen below.

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