Each LFT1M2 unit is configured as a stand-alone unit, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your environment. Here at SOS we will be installing the Kuzma Safir tonearm on the TAT1M2 table. This table is equipped with granite base and brass platter, which suppresses micro vibrations. Since the platter and tonearm are floated on air layer absorbs even the slightest vibration; the 28 kgs platter is supported only by the pressure of the air (only a few hundred grams).

Beautiful master-piece! Yes the Japanese know how to make tables. Have only read wonderful things about this table on WBF and there are now many people around the world, including the US, that own this table and have great things to say. Please keep us informed once it arrives.
Just a beautiful table. What’s it cost?
Thanks Jacob. Yes agree it’s one beautiful table. Regarding costs, there are many “options” so please give us a call to discuss.